Rink update - come show your support July 20!

Hi all, thanks for all your responses! We've raised $2225 in pledges, plus more than 160 hours.

That's likely to be enough to cover the cost of assembling a rink, but not to pay for asphalt paving. And the grant program is not going to work for us because they require a long-term commitment from a property owner and insurance for all the players.

That means that our best chance is to make a really good showing on July 20, when the Seattle Design Commission is pulling together property owners and other people who might lend their support, to show them that there is a lot of enthusiasm for a rink space. Hopefully we can find someone who is planning to pave or has a paved space already that they can let us use.

The presentations will be on Tuesday, July 20, 4-7 pm at Seattle City Hall, Bertha Knight Landes Room, 600 4th Ave. Enter from 5th
Ave and it’s the biggest room on the main floor. I will have a little station set up with some of the donated board material we may use, pictures from our application, and my gear plus some balls to show off to the uninitiated. Let's get as many people as we can to show up with their own sticks and
show your support!

Let me know if you can make it, or if you have other brilliant ideas to include in the presentation or paving/property connections.


Views: 17


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Comment by Katherine Cortes on July 19, 2010 at 7:05pm
Update: the event organizer has informed us that the event is NOT open to the public - so please don't just show up after all! I am or will be in touch with those who have posted and we have a good crew to represent SSH. I'll post again after the event to tell you all what happened. Thanks!
Comment by Rob Anthony on July 19, 2010 at 5:16pm
I will try to be there for most of it.
Comment by ALAN SINGER on July 17, 2010 at 1:40pm
Hey I found some cool pictures of street hockey places -- check these out:

http://www.ship.edu/uploadedImages/Ship/Recreation/Hockey%20Rink%20... (this one has a really smooth surface that can be used for shoes or roller skates -- how fun would THAT kind of surface be?)

http://pimastreethockey.com/files/rink.jpg (this shows an overhead of where a rink could be laid out -- it is where Pima plays)

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.socalstreethockey.co... (socal's pics)

Here'sanother good one: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lowermerion.org/Modu...

Game on!
Comment by ALAN SINGER on July 17, 2010 at 1:15pm
Katherine et al, thanks. I work then, but have a few thoughts.

The city will be more fine with it if it is made clear to the city that it isn't going to get stuck paying -- either for the place to play or for the inevitable liability concerns that accompany the concept.

I know there are some ASTM standards that lawyers like to trot out when suing people over injuries at places like street hockey games, but I don't know which ones govern the project at hand. They are all worth looking at though, so the pitch to the city makes clear that we are intent to make sure that the facility will be the safest, most reasonably designed one that can be built. (For more on these ASTM standards, Google "ASTM and street hockey"; you'll pull up a few links to some ASTM standards that, while not directly on point, are definitely analogous.)

A street hockey place to play sounds great -- I wish one was in the area where I live, the southern West Seattle area. One day I hope to meet you all in a Saturday match -- when my wife lets me have the car.
Comment by ML on July 12, 2010 at 1:13pm
I will do my very best to be there...maybe not from 4pm but hopefully by 6?
Comment by Rainer on July 12, 2010 at 11:29am
I'll try and be there.
Comment by Adam on July 12, 2010 at 10:43am
I'll be there at some point.
Comment by Ovi on July 12, 2010 at 8:59am
I will try my best to be there.
Comment by KS on July 11, 2010 at 1:59pm
I can make it 4-6. Will bring my stick.

SSH Bank

SSH bank balance is at $75. Thanks to everyone who paid their dues. You can always donate to the ssh general fund by clicking the button below:



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