Portland bar to watch hockey?

I'm going to Portland this weekend but need to find a place to watch the Friday night Canucks game 5 (in case we don't get the sweep). Any suggestions -- especially in Southeast?



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Comment by Sam on June 9, 2011 at 12:50pm
Haha, sounds great, will do. The go at 10am at Alberta Park?
Comment by jeff on June 9, 2011 at 12:14pm

just show up for the PDX hockey. 

if they give you crap, tell them Erik will come down and school them again.



Comment by Sam on June 9, 2011 at 9:57am

"No such thing during the playoffs, let alone the Finals.  Just ask my liver."


Especially after the way the Canucks have played the last two games.


Thanks for the suggestions! I heard about Claudia's from another friend as well so will probably head there.


Also, PDX Ball Hockey isn't pick-up right? So I can't just show up on Saturday?

Comment by Erik on June 8, 2011 at 9:56pm
Stix and chix don't mix, Chara.
Comment by ML on June 8, 2011 at 8:19pm

"Maybe I drank too much.."


No such thing during the playoffs, let alone the Finals.  Just ask my liver.

Comment by Rob C on June 8, 2011 at 6:51pm

My favorite was always Claudia's on 33rd and Hawthorne. Captain's chairs and loads of hockey fans. Also, the Scoreboard is at 48th and Division.


There's no basketball game Friday and the hockey game's on NBC, so a lot of bars could hook you up. The Slammer, Tanker, Mulligan's, Belmont Inn, Sewickly's, O'Malley's. Hell, even some of the skin bars will probably have the game on. The Hawthorne Strip and Lucky Devil come to mind.


Maybe I drank too much when I lived there...

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