Hey everyone, I hope this isn't a waste on your site, but I'm looking to get back into street hockey again. The potential waste is that I live south of you in Portland. Looking at your site you guys look extremely active. Because of that, I was hoping you wouldn't mind helping me out 1) do you guys have a recommendation for a group to hook up with down here? I found one site, but given how active and competitive you appear I would love your guidance. And 2) I played back in NJ up through HS. I haven't touched a stick since. I feel like I haven't seen a phone since the rotary phone, and now I'm supposed to choose between a droid and iPhone. I haven't clue what I'm looking at. I don't need top of the line anything given it has been 15 years since I've touched a stick of any kind. Would love an opinion regarding an entry level stick. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds. Hope this wasn't to much of a pain. Thanks

Views: 90


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Comment by ML on February 7, 2011 at 4:09pm
Look at the love in this cross-state hockey exchange.  See, hockey brings everyone together.  We should send a bunch of sticks to Egypt.
Comment by Shane stanton on February 7, 2011 at 2:27pm
You rock...Thank you very much.
Comment by KS on February 7, 2011 at 2:25pm

Any stick for ~$20 will be fine.   I prefer a Koho Ultimate myself only as it tends to last longer: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/koho2100sr.html

Comment by Carlo on February 6, 2011 at 8:58pm

Hey I played with a PDX ball hockey group. I believe they still meet every Saturday Morning at Alberta Park in Northeast Portland. When you accept my friend request I can give you the head guys contact information.


Comment by Erik on February 6, 2011 at 8:59am



Here is a link to the Portland Street Hockey Group.  I think it's a pretty casual group and welcome newcomers.

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