Hey it was great to see everyone and play some hockey.  I wish we could have a bit more success, but I really did not know what to expect.  I had no idea there was a street hockey subculture.  And wh…

Hey it was great to see everyone and play some hockey.  I wish we could have a bit more success, but I really did not know what to expect.  I had no idea there was a street hockey subculture.  And when I mean subculture, I don't think anyone in Vegas or even in the commercial complex itself has heard of that place.  What a dump.  I've been in some pretty crappy rinks, but that was a disaster. 


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Comment by ML on March 4, 2011 at 2:02pm

Typhoon finished last in division D.  Of the four games we played, our opponents ended up being the DivC champs, DivC runners up, and DivD champs.  Not an easy schedule for us.


Tsunami rocked the house and came in 2nd in DivD.

Comment by jeff on March 4, 2011 at 1:04pm

Anthony--you've heard the expression, "what happens in vegas..."


well that goes for hockey tournaments too.  we ended up at the rhino if you really want to know.

Comment by Anthony on March 4, 2011 at 11:34am
So are you guys going to post the final standings? Did you guys win? Where did you guys end up at?
Comment by ML on February 28, 2011 at 8:46pm
Great to have you there with us Scott.  That pass you sent me on our 2-on-1 in Game 1 lives on in legend.
Comment by Anthony on February 28, 2011 at 5:17pm
So what were the final standings?
Comment by Jason Mercio on February 28, 2011 at 4:33pm


    It was awesome to see you this weekend. Thanks for to playing with us. We obviously needed you out there, and then some. Hope to see you on saturday some time in the future.

    As for the rink... Im not sure what to say. Im almost positive the bathroom is a compilation of 5 different crime scenes. Nasty!  

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