Moved back to Seattle, hope everyone is doing well.

Happily moving back to Seattle for at least a few months. SSH was one of my favorite parts of living here.

As excited as I am to turn the ball over to Cam and watch him snap it crossbar and in, I have some reservations about playing due to the laundry list of reasons not to currently go outside... Once the smoke dissipates, is everyone still playing on a semi-regular basis? Any new rules? Just looking for someone to fill me in on any new info about playing. 

Hope everyones doing well and staying safe. 

Views: 200


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Comment by Cam Green on September 25, 2020 at 2:21pm

Hi Evan, glad you're coming back. Text me all your contact info at 206-650-0433. thx.

SSH Bank

SSH bank balance is at $75. Thanks to everyone who paid their dues. You can always donate to the ssh general fund by clicking the button below:



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