Thanks for a great the last game our lines were running smoothly and you could tell we wanted it more than the other team. Dan great play in net you kept us in every game just like you always do. Centers I don't know how you kept your energy so well I was dieing out there just playing the wing. Weorbicki thanks for the leadership and great play out there. Tyler, thanks for never letting up, you always gave it 100%, I admire that determination. Rainer, loved the goal off the boards and the goalies back. I could tell that's exactly what you were trying to do when the ball left your blade.
Benny it was great having you on the other wing, nice work finding the back of the net. Carlo nice speed and grit out there. Saliba nice to see you putting one away finally, haha. Vinny and Peto, don't know how you guys drink so much and still stay on the fly playing the fastest game on feet, nice work out there. Hopefully I'll still be playin when I'm your guy's age.
Litwin nice work out there we missed ya on Sunday, thanks for your hard play man. Andy F. I don't know if your gonna read this but nice work out there, the game's definitely a lot harder than our home games back in Marquette, MI. Rob nice work playin with those cheap ass canadien "stars". Bubbles nice work staying out of the box after you nearly tore that guys head off. Also liked your patience in the offensive end. It's hard getting those howitzers off when the other team is in perfect position to block the shot. Thanks for brining ur buddy Scott Steer. He has great vision for the floor and doesn't turn the ball over because his head is always on a swivel. Ovington loved the old school helmet with the half shield, nice work out there buddy. Douccette great work playing the body in the corners, nice hands out there too. Koh, great play out there your defensive prowness is under appreciated. Also thanks for the Mcdonalds and beef jerkey haha.
Craig you have some great talent out there, I remember the first time seeing you play in Seattle I was telling my buddy Paul "that guys' fuckingn good." Your wife/g/f is hot too, j/k..but seriously.
Scott thanks for your hard play man, especially considering you were on two diff. teams. Too bad we couldn't beat your old buddies from year....Adam hope your surgery went well and you can trade those crutches in for some hockey sticks..i'm gonna get that video up soon too. Keith aka Kad thanks for being Tsunami's # 1 fan ha. Your a funny guy hope to see ya soon.
That is all I have to say for now, see you guys soon and go Tsunami!

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Comment by Brad Marsh on February 27, 2009 at 1:54pm
ya thats a tight helmet ha. my adress is: brad marsh
411 Radisson Drive
Marquette, MI 49855
Comment by Ovi on February 26, 2009 at 3:53pm
Hey Marsh
You like my old school helmet? I think I bought it when I was your age. BTW, I believe I have your helmet. Send me your address, and I will send it back your way.
It was good to have you out there Marsh, and when the oportunities came, you delivered. That was an excellent shoot out goal. Sweet!
Comment by GG on February 26, 2009 at 10:13am
Thanks Marshy, you rule, and will always be a part of the Tsunami. Get your ass back out here.

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