ha, brought ALL the sticks from the airport to Street Hockey the following Saturday after the Vegas Tourney. I put all the sticks down before we played. When we were done the only two sticks remaining were Corey S.'s wooden sticks. Sorry to Corey for ur other stick and Chuck for your stick but I figured somebody took them so they could give them to you and I wouldn't have to keep hauling them back home via BUS and back the next Saturday. Plus, if you wanted to not lose your stick in the first place all you had to do was wait an extra 5 minutes at the airport(no exaggeration) and you could have brought your own stick home. Instead somehow they got pawned off on me.

On a brighter note I'm organizing a street hockey tournament in Marquette, Michigan for the weekend of July 18th-20th. It is for teams ranging from 4-6 players. 4 on 4 action w/ a goalie. 2 halves, no offsides or icing, small court played on a tennis court(really good surface). but i'm out you guys take care. one more thing i'm in spokane until mid june for the can=am cup. see you guys than fukers....PEACE!

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Comment by Adam on March 21, 2008 at 2:24pm
the summers over there are fawkin' gorgeous! see you at the Can-Am game!
Comment by Brad Marsh on March 21, 2008 at 12:10pm
ha! no im visiting my good friend casey who lives here, havent seen him in a long time. goin to the chiefs game tonight and spokane isnt that bad, got a decent job and ill be back in seattle in no time.
Comment by Adam on March 21, 2008 at 11:30am
Comment by Adam on March 21, 2008 at 11:25am
spokane? u doin' time?
Comment by Brad Marsh on March 21, 2008 at 1:51am
one more thing go to WWW.SPORTINGNEWS.COM/ join the fantasy hockey playoff challenge (FREE), JOIN THE LEAGUE DRW CLUB. the password is bradmarsh(all lower case and connected). than pick your team! do it, takes 5 minutes, free and helllllla fun! peace.

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