I just received this email and was not sure if all had seen it. Sounds interesting...


hey guys,
This email is to inform you and invite you to the largest ball hockey tournament in western canada.
all info is on email below.

dean crossland
tournament director

From: crosslanddean@hotmail.com
To: crosslanddean@hotmail.com
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 16:36:18 -0800


May Long Weekend 2009 (may 15-18, 2009)

Penticton, BC

Western Canada'a Largest Indoor Ball Hockey Tournament - 28 cbha teams in attendance -
In 2008 we had 28 CBHA registered ball hockey teams in attendance. These teams were from more than 12 different CBHA leagues, spanning across 3 provinces (BC, Alta and Saskatchewan). Each year since our inauguaral year, the tournament has grown in size by about 60%, so the anticipation will be somehwere between 28 and 36 cbha teams at the 2009 event.

Locations and Dates:
This is the 5th annual INTERIOR CUP, it occurs every year on the may long weekend, in beautiful Penticton, British Columbia.
May 15-18, 2009 of this year.

Minimum Number of Games: The minimun number of games a team will recieve is 3, which could result in 6 if a team makes it to finals. Games are scheduled one per day fri, sat sun. with playoffs quarter finals starting on sun evening. semis and finals are early and late morning on the monday. Final games is usually finished monday at about 1pm - giving teams lots of time to get back to their respective cities.

Skill Levels of Teams: This is often asked - The skill sets of teams in this tourney varies from division 1 (A) Teams all the way to division 7 or 8. However, Teams that are in Div 1 (a) , Div (2) or high level Div 3 (C) teams often enter the cash division and compete for the cash prize. Low level div 3 (C) teams and below usually enter the rec division.

Divisions: In the past there has been a competitive and a rec division. The potential for an "intermediate division" (explained below) will exist this year based on number of teams and response from team reps.

Competive Division I: This division is open to all teams, but, primarily consists of high level B and C teams, with a couple A div teams.
The entry fee is $700 with $200 of every entry going to total prize money.
(for ex: last year 14 teams in this div x $200 = $2800 in prize money. 1st $2100 / 2nd $700)

Competitive Division II: New Intermediate Division: This is a new division that will be brought up to teams regsitered: there may be a division created for those who have finsihed low in cash div and high in rec div in past. The entry would be $600: $100 of each entry going to prize money for first.

Rec division: This division consists of low level C teams and lesser skilled teams, there is no cash prize and entry fee is only $500.

Skill Levels: There are a variety of skill levels amongst teams in the tournament, as mentioned above, you will find stronger teams competing for cash, whereas, in rec div you will find anywhere from div 3 (C) to teams that are in div 7 from edmonton.

Rules: All rules follow CBHA guideline. Tourney specific rules are in regards to fighting and intent to injure - players eliminated from tourney. 7 goal mercy rule in effect. 3-0 forfeit rule (in case that one team does not show up). This is CBHA sanctioned event so major suspensions will be carried out into league play in which that player is involved.

Every game one particpant from each team is selected to recieve the player of the game award, which is a meal at our pub sponsor. There are also awards for top dman, goalie and scorer in each division.

Night Life: one of the big attractions for teams is penticton on the may long weekend, we have many teams (female and coed) in on may long for soccer and slow pitch tournaments. individuals have found this to be a great weekend of partying combined with competitive ball hockey.

Texas Hold'em Tourney: Each year we have put on a texas holdem fundraiser tourney, at the Barley Mill, for Interior Cup participants. Professional tables are used, with a pit boss, prizes and a cash prize

Player Benefits: Each player in tournament will recieve an interior cup card. This will get you past line ups at specfied night clubs, as well as, meal discounts at the host pub / restaurant sponsor.

Hotel Info:
This year our hotel sponsor is the bowmont hotel, they provide excellent rates to our players. All rates and other info is provided upon initial deposit

Deposit Info:
All deposit info will be provided upon verbal confirmation. initial $250 deposit will be required by feb 1, 2009 to hold spot. second and final deposit will be april 15,2009. All deposits are non refundable.
There will be two methods of depositing:
1. Email deposit : preferred method
2. RBC deposit: visiting any rbc and deposit to acct provided
you will recieve email regdring all above deposit info.

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