Cory's Blog (10)

NEW TIME: Sunday, November 1 - 11AM

Great to see the Canucks spoil the party.

We don't want to make this a precedent but the plan is to play Sunday morning at 11am, then watch some of the Hawks game. We have two goalies with Mark and Dean, so let's start from there...


Don't forget the Phinney Ridge Trick or Treat at 12-3pm on Saturday…


Added by Cory on October 28, 2015 at 10:00am — 16 Comments

Red Door Fremont. 9am Wednesday (tomorrow)

We will have both games on. US Czech Canada Latvia

Added by Cory on February 18, 2014 at 7:58pm — No Comments

Saturday November 30th

Let's start the goalie quest for this Saturday...who's in?

Gobble gobble

Added by Cory on November 28, 2013 at 3:18pm — 17 Comments

Saturday November 23 - 1pm


Looks like it will be another relatively dry day and perfect for some street. 

Goalies, who's in?  Let's get the goalies nailed down, pick a volunteer to move the nets, and plan for a 1pm puck drop. 

We have a couple decent games to watch afterwards at the Beaver: Washington/Toronto and Pittsburgh/Montreal.

Go Canucks!

Added by Cory on November 22, 2013 at 9:50am — 22 Comments

Saturday Movember 2nd - 1:59pm

Let's plan for nets in place and puck drop at 2pm.  Cam will be happy if we start on time.

Roll call for goalies now... Dan, Sharif, Evan, who's in?  Let's lock this in and start to plan a good match for Saturday.

Added by Cory on October 31, 2013 at 11:28am — 13 Comments

Saturday October 19th - 2pm start

Saturday October 19th - 2pm start.  2pm to 4:30pm.

Should be a perfect day for some street.  Dan has confirmed as goalie (Sharif is in Hawaii).  We need to find one more goalie.... Evan, Damien, new guy?

Vinnie is rounding out the spare gear just in case.

Added by Cory on October 18, 2013 at 1:50pm — 19 Comments

Mid-week game on! Thursday July 18th - 7pm.

We have two goalies confirmed with Dan and Evan.  Let's get there on time and get a game going.  Beers to follow.

Adams school

7pm to 8:30pm

who's in?  Please confirm on the website so we can track numbers.

Added by Cory on July 17, 2013 at 3:08pm — 16 Comments

Wednesday night game - June 26th 730pm.

There was some talk about a pick up game Wednesday night.  No game 7 so let's make a game of our own.

Let's go with 730pm. Post traffic.

Who's in net?

Added by Cory on June 25, 2013 at 4:03pm — 10 Comments

Game On! Saturday 9 18.

Perfect day for street hockey. Who do we have set for goalies?

Added by Cory on September 17, 2010 at 9:21am — 4 Comments

Early Start Saturday June 20th - 9AM

We are planning to start early this Saturday at 9AM.

This will allow for an early finish and a chance to make it to the Fremont Fair. There is consensus from 15 or so at this point, so the numbers should be solid. We apologize to the regulars (Graeme) that might not be able to make it.

The three goalies are confirmed and will share time guarding the nets.

The Commissioner and he stressed that there is continued interest in keeping a high quality of play as we… Continue

Added by Cory on June 17, 2009 at 4:19pm — 4 Comments

SSH Bank

SSH bank balance is at $75. Thanks to everyone who paid their dues. You can always donate to the ssh general fund by clicking the button below:



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