Rainer's Blog (25)


Emailed this in response to CAN / USeh game but realize I'd only copied teammates. ...

Kelly and I are having a BBQ Sat after the game if anyone wants to swing by for brews around the fire. 7302 28th Ave. Ballard.

Added by Rainer on June 12, 2009 at 1:41pm — No Comments

09 Stanley Cup Playoffs


I'll get out a final sheet with final standings in a few days but as a heads up this is what it looks like with standings at this point. $20 bucks. I'll repost here or send me an email and I'll get it to you. Turnaround from final standings to 1st game is pretty quick so you need to be on the ball. email rainer_germann@yahoo.com

Added by Rainer on April 7, 2009 at 8:32pm — 4 Comments


Kelly sent this earlier but we don't have all of your emails. If you aren't sick of BBQ yet..... After hockey next sat. Pretty basic, burgers brats beer and we'll try to get that firepit in action.

Hello everyone! We would like to invite you all to a barbecue on Sat July 12th, 5/5:30pm. 7302 28th Ave NW It is BYOC (bring your own chair as we do not have that many).

R cell: 419-7170

K cell: 300-0273.

Hope to see you there!

Bring a sweatshirt, it gets… Continue

Added by Rainer on July 7, 2008 at 11:45am — No Comments

NHL Playoff Pool


If anyone's interested. I need the spreadsheet back by weds. 4pm PST. Entry is a neat $20 this year. Winner takes the pot, less the cost of a practice jersey of the cup champs that the second place winner gets. Scoring is still a bit odd but has worked well for a bunch of years so I'm leaving it alone. Read the instructions, good luck.

Forward to anyone who might be… Continue

Added by Rainer on April 6, 2008 at 9:45pm — 7 Comments

Remaining Jerseys

If there's anyone that doesn't have a jersey yet, Gary's putting together a second printing.

Mike, the jersey Gregg had for you was passed on to Gary. Numbers that are taken are below
3, 4, 7-12, 14, 15, 18-20, 23, 31, 32, 68, 72, 77, 78.

Gary, I'll take #2 for the medium.

Added by Rainer on April 6, 2008 at 8:51am — 6 Comments

SSH Bank

SSH bank balance is at $75. Thanks to everyone who paid their dues. You can always donate to the ssh general fund by clicking the button below:



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