Weeknight Hockey @ Judkins Park

Days are getting longer and weekends are getting busy. SSH is starting up weeknight games in addition to our regular Saturday series.

We are playing today (4/19) at 5pm at Judkins Park.

Going forward, the day and time for weeknight hockey will likely change based on rink availability, goalie availability, and weather. If you're interested in getting updates outside of this website, shoot me a message and I'll loop you in.

  • Ray Wang

    I might be interested in weeknight hockey!
  • A4ORR

    Hi does ball hockey still happen in Seattle? If not, is anyone interested in getting it going again? I’ve been itching to play!
  • Jake Brown


    Yeah - we aren't playing on weeknights but we play most Saturday mornings at 10am at Judkins Park.  Take a look at the About/FAQ page:  https://seattlestreethockey.com/page/aboutfaq-1